Since i to the fourth power equals 1, isn't the fourth root of 1 i? Thanks for your help!
i^1 = sqrt(-1)
i^2 = -1
i^3 = -i or -sqrt(-1)
i^4 = 1
you have a nice idea, but unfortunately that is not the case... the fourth root of 1 will always be 1.
i^2 = -1
i^3 = -i or -sqrt(-1)
i^4 = 1
you have a nice idea, but unfortunately that is not the case... the fourth root of 1 will always be 1.
This answer is actually incorrect. And the question isn't kid's stuff at all; it's actually a pretty deep question. There is a sense in which you're wrong; there actually is no such thing as "the 4th root of 1". But there's a sense in which you're right: i is a primitive 4th root of 1, but 1 isn't.
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