plz xplain in simple words-Second breakdown is an irreversible failure mode in bipolar power transistors. In a power transistor with a large junction area, under certain conditions of current and voltage, the current concentrates in a single area of the base-emitter junction. This current contraction effect causes local heating and destruction of the transistor. Second breakdown can occur both with forward and reverse base drive.......
what is “Second Breakdown” in Transistors ..plz xplain in simple words
Second breakdown is an irreversible failure mode in bipolar power transistors. In a power transistor with a large junction area, under certain conditions of current and voltage, the current concentrates in a single area of the base-emitter junction. This current contraction effect causes local heating and destruction of the transistor. Second breakdown can occur both with forward and reverse base drive.
keywords: Breakdown,Second,ldquo,Transistors,rdquo,in,“Second Breakdown” in Transistors