In the case of microprocessors, well we know that the highest frecuency is reach by a signal in a conductor, the electrons that move are those nearest to the surface. So there is a limit.
What is that limit ?
instead of a 5Ghz mp, theres quad o double core processor.
How do you think microprocessors will be in the future ?
will they turn 16 core proceessors?, or 32, instead of increassing the frecuencia like in the 90's they will increase the number cores ?
What is that limit ?
instead of a 5Ghz mp, theres quad o double core processor.
How do you think microprocessors will be in the future ?
will they turn 16 core proceessors?, or 32, instead of increassing the frecuencia like in the 90's they will increase the number cores ?
If you want a glimpse into the future of computers; Asimov is still a good read.
On a more immediate scale there are two factors to consider: progress in nanotechnology, and also in the science of a material called, graphene.
Some truly revolutionary innovations still lay ahead.
On a more immediate scale there are two factors to consider: progress in nanotechnology, and also in the science of a material called, graphene.
Some truly revolutionary innovations still lay ahead.
Increasing the number of parallel processors quickly becomes futile. For 90% of the applications, 1 or 2 is the most you can use. It's only in very intensive graphic tasks, like ray tracing that you could ever use more than 4.
I can't guess at the future, can anyone?
I can't guess at the future, can anyone?