1) What does a high degree of hardness indicate about the strength of the bonding between ions/molecules?
2) What does a high melting point indicate about the strength of the bonding between ions/molecules?
2) What does a high melting point indicate about the strength of the bonding between ions/molecules?
Both questions suggest that the bonds are strong. (1) The stronger the bonds causing the ions/molecules to be pushed closer together into a tighter structure. (2) By having this tight structure, it is harder to melt the ion/molecule
1) A high degree of hardness indicates a strong bond between the ions and molecules that make up the substance.
2) A high melting indicates a strong bond (and strong intermolecular forces) among ions and the molecules that constitute the substance.
2) A high melting indicates a strong bond (and strong intermolecular forces) among ions and the molecules that constitute the substance.