So if they ever upgraded Pluto back to planet status ( from a dwarf planet) would they have to make Eris a planet too?
PhotonX say: Personally I think we should just call any object that is large enough to be properly spherical (larger than the Roche limit) and orbits the Sun a planet and be done with it. That would include Ceres, but not Vesta. It would include Pluto, but not Ultima/Thule. And yes, it would include Eris too.
Jeffrey K say: Yes. And Ceres and Sedna and many many others would become planets. So many bodies that the word planet would lose its meaning. That is why they had to take Pluto's planet certificate away from him.
ANDRE L say: Since Pluto and the other dwarf planets FAIL to qualify under the standard definition of what makes a body a planet, this will not happen. Nor should it.
ReductioAdAstronomicus say: No,
they could simply grandfather Pluto as a planet, as they should have done in the first place. But I can't see that happening. Then they wonder why the public sees space as a joke.
CarolOklaNola say: Yes, if and when the IAU does that a whole bunch of other dwarf planets including Eris, Sedna and very likely Vesta and Pallas will be reclassified top. Don't hold your breath. Take a course in organizational psychology and learn about emotional inertia, then look at Congress, including the current Senate, as an example.
say: "They" don't have to do anything they don't want to.
skeptik say: Yes.
Which wouldn't take us back to nine planets, it would take us up to AT LEAST dozens.
Captain Matticus, LandPiratesInc say: Eris and every other dwarf planet. There are definitely 5 and possibly hundreds.
Henry say: Pluto is a dwarf planet or a light in the sky on the flat earth firmament.