manned mission to the jovian system in the 21st century?
Ronald 7 say: We could surely do that before then
We can make craft big enough and powerful enough to do it
Rather than shielding, why not make the craft produce a big enough Magnetic Field for protection ?
quantumclaustrophobe say: I doubt that will ever happen. Jupiter's Van Allen belts are about 100 times as intense as was expected when Pioneer 10 flew through them for the first time; the radiation damaged some of the memory core on board Pioneer, and prompted the engineers working on the Voyager craft to 'harden' their systems to avoid damage.
The radiation is much too intense for a manned mission - at least to the inner moons.
the illuminati say: And the point of that would be what exactly?
nineteenthly say: No. By the time that's possible we will have dropped sexist terms like "manned". Also, no, people will never land on another body beyond the orbit of Cynthia (the "moon").
Chuck Cunningham say: That would be the biggest waste of money in human history, thank you but no.
ReductioAdAstronomicus say: Nope.
And what for, when we regularly send efficient effective robotic craft there at a tiny fraction of the cost of some inefficient and politically motivated manned mission.
Starrysky say: Doubtful. High radiation area around Jupiter, its ring system, and discharge from Io volcanoes screw up spacecraft and kills humans easily.
Jeffrey K say: Sure. I'll buy a ticket.
It would be fascinating to go ice fishing on Europa.
daniel g say: Maybe,,yet a few frontiers to cross first, like mars.