Very simplified, you have:
Planets rotating around star(s) forming a solar system. Solar systems make up galaxies. Galaxies make up the universe as we know it. (There's other stuff, but as I said that is very simplified.)
cosmo say: Results from the Kepler spacecraft indicate that most stars have planets.
darkcloud say: The sun seems to be a nucleus and the planets electrons . probably part of a larger thing that if seen from the outside would involve more then one molecule . perhaps enough to string a whole chain of double helix and could go larger to the point of breathing . but we are far too small in the scheme of things to ever see the whole picture . we are just looking on the inside of what we are only a microscopic spec of .
CarolOklaNola say: Many stars have planetary systems of their own. so foar There are are over 300 exoplanets, but not all of them have been confirmed yet..
I am not going to write a book to explain the Solar System to you. You are old enough to use search engine and do your own research if your are curious enough. I REFUSE to have MY VALUABLE time exploited by people who are too lazy to to do their own research because their curiosity DIED years ago when their brains rusted closed from not being used.
say: Most stars--and there are hundreds of billions of stars--have planets around them, with at least one in the habitable zone.