Believe what you like my friend but nothing changes the truth.
When you prove Mars bars are from Mars, and we capture Bigfoot, then I might believe you that the moon ladings were fake.
Someg, why do you insist on trying to perpetuate the insane fairy tale of the moon landing hoax? You will not convince ANYONE with a functioning brain, but merely demonstrate your own profound ignorance.
The people of the USA thought is was silly to waste money on science when you could have a perfectly good war for only ten times the cost.
People in the late 60s and early 70s didn't have the technology we have today, and it is likely that the public was fooled by the television broadcasts of the time. All of the evidence we have in modern times suggests that the landings were part of an elaborate fraud. However, it is good to keep an open mind on the matter and entertain the possibility that they were real.