Well considering that our galexy is over 100 light years across and se are some where in the.middle. say we were 20 million light years away. It would take 20 millions years to reach the edge IF and only.if we did have a space craft that could reach the.speed of light. So to get there before you are 80.would need to go. Way way way over the speed of.light and that is impossible for us to achieve with our.current technology. Do don't count invite :p. Mars tho I think yea we will get there.
Current physics says it's impossible for something to go that far in that little time. I suggest you cryogenically freeze yourself.
Space is so unimaginably huge that I doubt any creature in the universe, no matter how "intelligent" they are, could ever come up with a way to travel that distance.
Highly unlikely. Ask your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grand son?
I very much doubt it. If you're very lucky, we may land men on Mars before you die.