New River Tarantula information
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New River Tarantula information

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-08-13] [Hit: ]
(I have heard Arizona, but Im not sure.Thanks!:D-A scientific name would help, as common names can vary a lot or even be made up by who ever is selling it.A quick google suggested its something in the Aphonopelma genus of tarantulas.......
I recently bought a New River Tarantula and have some questions.
• How old do they live?
• How big do they get? (from front of legs to back.)
• Where are they from? (I have heard Arizona, but I'm not sure.)


A scientific name would help, as common names can vary a lot or even be made up by who ever is selling it.

A quick google suggested it's something in the Aphonopelma genus of tarantulas. Aphonopelmas grow slowly, don't move much, are generally docile but can get feisty and kick hairs and throw up threat displays when harassed enough, and don't eat much even for a spider. They like dry, but occasionally dampened substrate but still need a wide water dish just like any other tarantula. They'll probably get to be around 6" and if it's female, live to be over 20 if taken care of well. If it's male, it'll live to be about 4-5, reach final molt, and live for about a year after that. I don't know where they are from, but it can be anywhere from Columbia to the American southwest.
keywords: Tarantula,River,information,New,New River Tarantula information
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