I am going to Vegas to visit my family for 4 days. I have been reading that it gets super extremely hot over there. Were I live the hottest it gets is about 70-80 degrees. But mostly it's in the high 60s. The highest it has ever gotten is 104. I am a really hot person. I get hot like in the 74 range. And I heard that in Vegas it has gotten over 118 degrees!!!! I honestly don't think I cN take the heat. It's the first time I go to Vegas. I think they have a pool in there house but I am still freaking out. Anyone wana help??
Yes, Vegas does get very hot, but where you are I'll bet the humidity is pretty high - In Vegas the humidity is very low, usually under 10% - remember, it's in the desert! So when you sweat, it evaporates very rapidly, which has a strong cooling effect on you. So 110 degrees in Vegas is like about 90 in wetter parts of the country. (But that swimming pool will still look pretty nice - with the water temp probably in the 80's or so.) Just drink PLENTY of water and use plenty of sun screen - the air there is pretty thin, and you can get one WHEE of a sunburn - even when swimming!