plz derive this equation its urgent
do you expect to find this on Y?
It took einstein years
you do not have any idea what the origianal eqautions for the the Special theory of Relativity are.
what you quote is the ANSWER to something much more complex
in the same way Newtons two guesses F = M d/P /dt ( calculus for F = Ma )
and his assumtion that F = GmM/R^2 in direction R is a vector differentia equation which has the algebraic solution of a conic for a two body, one large and the other relatively much smaller (earth sun or Moon earth)
I cannot even derive that on and that is an "easy" differenital equation
notice that 1) Lorentz also derived similar results to made C the speed of light appear constant in moving systems. he did not know why
2) when the Special Relativity was there was no understanding of E= mC^2 for rest mass
it was similar to KE = 1/2 mV^2 vut threre was NO V.
I do not think your equation is even correct. energy units have to have mass veloicity squared : P is momentum mv
the units just "look wrong"
e-m for more discussion what is your level of physics education?
It took einstein years
you do not have any idea what the origianal eqautions for the the Special theory of Relativity are.
what you quote is the ANSWER to something much more complex
in the same way Newtons two guesses F = M d/P /dt ( calculus for F = Ma )
and his assumtion that F = GmM/R^2 in direction R is a vector differentia equation which has the algebraic solution of a conic for a two body, one large and the other relatively much smaller (earth sun or Moon earth)
I cannot even derive that on and that is an "easy" differenital equation
notice that 1) Lorentz also derived similar results to made C the speed of light appear constant in moving systems. he did not know why
2) when the Special Relativity was there was no understanding of E= mC^2 for rest mass
it was similar to KE = 1/2 mV^2 vut threre was NO V.
I do not think your equation is even correct. energy units have to have mass veloicity squared : P is momentum mv
the units just "look wrong"
e-m for more discussion what is your level of physics education?