GEEGEE say: $$
MARK say: I suppose I would hide behind that blue thing as well if I was so poor at thinking. What about the possibility there is no afterlife and mediums are fraudsters.
Tom say: Not ALL are scammers---Many are self deluded, and really believe the voices in their minds. As do their clients.
armouror say: Mediums Fortune tellers are all Fake
I was told By a Gypsy that My Grandfather told her i would Come into a Lot of Money that would Convert My life
i am Over 80 where is My Money
Thomas E say: There must be an afterlife! I don't know any mediums personally, but I trust a few 'names'. There are crooks everywhere--just be discerning. The big problem with physical life is its emphasis on mind and body, and almost no mention of the biggest part of life: SPIRIT. If people would spend more time in church instead of watching TV, their quality of life would improve. Amen!
Misty say: They are all fake.
Gman say: Mediums are demonic and they are lying about the condition of the dead.
Dale say: Because there is a sucker born every minute.
CvmnHT say: Familiar spirits
Jon say: Fraud and delusions.
koopa troopa say: Gods fake
Donna say: really
Todd say: Mediums obviously aren't for real. Probably the most famous cold reader would be John Edward. He's smart in that he casts a wide net to start, with things like, "I'm seeing a J over here." Good cold readers get the person being read to provide information, the rails that the reader can ride on. It's the same thinbg with social engineering. You let them give you the data because they believe.
The scary readers are ones that believe themselves. Those are the ones that have Kaiser Sozayed themselves (name from movie Usual Suspects, also a line from Bob's Burgers).
Cognostic say: There are mediums because people come in all sizes and the mediums must be distinguished between the small, large and extra large.
Uncle Fester say: I bought a medium chicken from Sainsburys. I am going to take it back, it told me nothing.
Mack say: There are no deities and yet there are priests....
say: Mediums are fakers trying to make a fast buck from the gullible and unsuspecting
A midget psychic just robbed a bank in NJ and has gotten away with the loot. The headlines read: