My clit is not inside the hood is is slightly on the side above my vagina opening and it has to small things underneath is this normal?
Jim say: It's normal for you. If it performs as expected then it's fine. You would only need to see a doctor if it didn't work- that is, no feeling or lack of orgasm.
johnson say: Norml
Ross James say: Have to see a picture to give you an accurate answer.
MamaBear say: You should really ask your doctor. So long as you are not experiencing pain, infection, abnormal swelling, or bloody/stinky discharge, you should be fine. Don't fret over minor details (like appearance). The real (healthy) questions concern function (does the 'plumbing' work ok?) and not fashion.
Alexander say: This is a question for your ObGyn. It's hard to believe this hasn't been mentioned before during other exams.
say: We need photos to know
Sasha Whitefur say: Ask your Gyno.
Norman say: I would need to examine it very closely before giving a diagnosis.