HELP my family has like a vomit virus and i don’t want to get it because i can’t miss a day of class i’m in college. is there a medicine?
jaskarnz say: It sounds like your family had food poisoning. Just avoid what they ate, and keep hydrated. If you feel your stomach getting upset then take some tums or any other antacids. But you should be fine if you just avoid what they ate, and make sure your meal was prepared sanitary and is properly heated/cooked
Diane A say: Doubt this is the flu as the flu is a respiratory virus, (and vomiting is not associated with it as a primary symptom) could be another virus, could be some food poisoning. Avoidance is the best--great hand washing and dont get too close. There is no medicine to treat something your don't have, but there are meds to stop vomiting once it occurs.
poldi2 say: "a vomit virus" - so you mean they have the flu.
No, there is not a medicine that will prevent you from getting it. If you had a flu shot you may avoid getting it but there is no guarantee.
Catherine say: What's like a vomit virus?
busterwasmycat say: Not really. That is a hard fact of life. Hard to avoid the flu when it is running around. It isn't fun, it just is. Get it now so you don't get it during test time.
Donnie Porko say: Did you get your flu shot. That will help.
Wash your hands often with soap for at least 30 seconds. Don’t put your fingers in your mouth, eyes, nose after touching areas that they’ve touched.
Metal say: Not an effective one for viruses like that. Avoidance is the best strategy.