If you take 74 pills, 50 Ibuprofen and 24 Naproxen Sodium, at the same time, will it kill you? Just curious.
UnQualifiedOpinion say: DOUBTFUL... Odds are, you'l Puke it all up & Dry-heave your guts till you 'Wish' you were dead.
anne say: These people will know https://teenlineonline.org/youth-yellow-pages/24-hour-crisis-numbers/?gclid=CJ7Eq7-U2dICFYdXDQod99wEDg
G say: For you? We can only hope.
ChemoAngel say: It will be a slow painful death of internal bleeding.
sheldon say: Try it and see
military troops pen pals say: Most likely yes. If not it will kill your liver and kidneys
John de Witt say: You might die from bleeding in your GI tract, a known complication of NSAID medications. If you have chronic heart or kidney failure it could worsen the condition enough to lead to death. Otherwise, you're primarily looking at a major bellyache.
say: Possible. If not would likely mess liver up
say: No, but I am sure the discomfort before the hospital will make you feel like you wish you could.
Jasmine say: Obviously.
wereq say: taking 74 pills of anything besides sugar or fish oil is likely going to kill you.... and fish oil is going to give you the worst bowel movement ever.
shroud say: no but it could mess you up for life
alyssa say: No
Shanna say: You know what they say about curiosity, don't you?
...it killed the cat.
bob say: YES!!!!!
JeReMY say: Try it and let me know