2 weeks ago a friend of mine took 19 paracetamol at once. few days later she continue up with another 20 paracetamol. few days after that she took 4000mg ibuprofen. and yesterday she took another 4800mg nurofen. i couldn't help her a lot even though i'm her best friend. she is 17 years old girl. after the first blood test she got ESR 46...will the drugs affect her so badly? what kind of medical probs she will face? she will be fine?
She's looking at liver failure if she doesn't stop that.
This person seriously needs help. Either she's deliberately trying to self-harm or she's addicted. Either way it sounds like she's seeking attention and such people are usually low on self-esteem. She's also causing damage to her stomach. Somehow you need to persuade her to seek help firstly from a doctor for the physical side and who should then recommend counselling, possibly with psychiatric help. Please stress on her that you are helping her, not criticising, and remind her of how she was before taking these tablets, thus proving that she doesn't need them. It may be that she also has compulsive obsessive behaviour and I fear that if she doesn't get help soon she will suffer serious damage. Are her parents aware of what she is doing or has anything happened in her life recently to cause this like breaking up with a boyfriend or a family bereavement? It is only by identifying the problem that it can be solved. Best wishes. Hope all turns out well.
my mum takes all these tablets because she has artheritus in her leg, but she only takes 4 of each a day