What is the length of the arc of the circle that has a central angle of 2π/3 and a radius of 4.2cm?
how would you go about solving this?
thanks for your help. :)
how would you go about solving this?
thanks for your help. :)
the arc length of a full circle is the circumference =2(pi)r
2pi is the centre angle in radians equal to 360 degrees.
so your answer is (2pi/3) x 4.2=8.4xpi/3=8.8cm
2pi is the centre angle in radians equal to 360 degrees.
so your answer is (2pi/3) x 4.2=8.4xpi/3=8.8cm
(s) = 2π/3 * 4.2 = 8.79
arc length is the angle under the arc times the radius of the circle
arc length is the angle under the arc times the radius of the circle