I'm thinking I want to go into CE. I have no doubt in myself that I can grasp all of the science concepts, but I am just worried about the math portion. I'm a senior in high school and I am currently in Calculus. I've heard that calculus is a major major part of CE. Now, I can normally grasp all of the calculus concepts, but sometimes I have to go home and study for a few hours before I understand it. Will I most likely be OK in CE if I take longer to grasp mathematical concepts? (Once I grasp them I am very consistent with getting the right answers.)
You will need to take statistics, calculus and calculus II with analytic geometry and calculus based physics. Math is the least of your worries, you pretty much have to be a genius in chemistry.
I'm sorry I can't answer your question, but Chemical Engineering would be "ChE" as "CE" is usually used to mean Civil Engineering. Just a FYI to limit future confusion.