why dont they developed genetically modified trees for lumber?
that grow really fast and resistant to insects.
that way they can preserve the natural environment by having a small area for these trees
daniel g say: Some lumber companies have been doing that for decades now.
audrey say: Wouldn't that be wonderful. Trees are one of our most beautifu resources.
say: They'll need to develope a seedless variety that can be easily contained.
I hate muslims say: They re working on that,mthe problem is the seeds from those trees will spread and contaminate the environment and they will choke all florae and fauna because they re so fast growing and resistant to insects and diseases. So the main problem is how to control them
Billy say: There already exist trees that grow very fast. The problem is that the faster a tree grows, the softer its wood. The slower a tree grows, the harder the wood. Harder wood burns slower and is what we use for making hardwood floors, furniture, etc. A problem we have is actually that when people deforest an area with hardwood trees, what they often replant to replace them are fast-growing softwood trees.
rick29148 say: We already have fast growing pine trees for that. But the softwood lumber is just ok, but not good enough for furniture and other fine things ...........................................
Hindusufi say: Good idea lets do it.