Dogs are born knowing how to walk, swim, eat, and communicate with other dogs. Humans are born knowing how to cry, suck, and poop. I know humans eventually become much, much, much more intelligent than dogs, but how is it that dogs are born more ready for life? (I'm not talking about the first 10 weeks. I'm talking about when dogs are about 10 weeks. I realize little puppies are pathetic like human babies before 10 weeks.)
The full grown, adult, human brain is much more advanced (from an evolutionary standpoint) than a dog's brain, e.g. the cortex. For example, we can think hypothetically, communicate verbally, drive cars, and etc. Dogs can't. But it takes time for our brains to grow, and much of this development happens after a baby is born. If our brains were to be fully developed at birth, we wouldn't be able to get our heads out of the mother's uterus and we'd end up suffocating inside the womb when we are coming out. In contrast, a puppy's brain is much more developed (as to its fully developed state) than a human baby's brain is at birth. Thus, it takes much less time for it to fully develop after it is born.
Unlike humans, animals develop early the capacity of being autonomous and they just do those things by instinct
were more complex beings so we take more time to gain strength. its got nothing to do with smarts