Is it the same thing as crossing-over? If an organism practiced self-fertilization, could recombination occur? If an organism practiced self-fertilization, would all its offspring be genetically identical? Why or why not?
In talking about gametogenesis, the terms recombination and crossing over are used to mean the same thing. The term recombination does have some other uses, but they all involve breaking and rejoining of DNA strands, so fundamentally are the same. But I think as you are asking about them, they are the same thing.
Sure...Recombination occurs during gametogenesis whether or not the organism is self-fertilizing.
If the organism was originally heterozygous for a variety of its genes, its offspring would not all be genetically identical. Because of the way meiosis occurs, the organism could produce a variety of different gametes. Random fertilization would give rise to genetically diverse offspring.
Sure...Recombination occurs during gametogenesis whether or not the organism is self-fertilizing.
If the organism was originally heterozygous for a variety of its genes, its offspring would not all be genetically identical. Because of the way meiosis occurs, the organism could produce a variety of different gametes. Random fertilization would give rise to genetically diverse offspring.
Recombination is adding a plasmid with foreign DNA to a bacteria, crossing over occurs in Meiosis and has almost nothing to do with it. No it would not occur, it only occurs with human interference or if an organism was infected by a virus. YES NO YES YES NO,
Recombinatn has 2 do wit inserted DESIRED foreign gene into a plasmid and it apply more in plants. Wen u want a plant b tall or fruit 2 b big, u put d DESIRED trait in d plasmid of d plant & it wil give u desired result