why sometimes the terms 'space time' are used when time doesn't exist in space?
ive heard people in the past say things like ' space time continuum' or in time and space etc.
but i thought time doesn't exist in space?
Amy say: You're probably familiar with the idea that space has 3 dimensions. In many ways, time behaves like a dimension.
We can describe an object's position in space using 3 numbers - maybe they are (x,y,z) or (latitude, longitude, altitude). We can similarly describe an event's position in time with 1 number.
We can combine these descriptions of space and time by specifying both where AND when an event occurred. This locates the even in a 4 dimensional entity made up of space and time. That's what we call spacetime.
Think about a graph of position vs. time like you've probably seen in countless math and physics problems. This graph describes a set of points in 2-dimensional space. One of the dimensions is a spacial one, and the other is time.
Chris Ancor say: It does.
poldi2 say: Of course time exists in space.
CarolOklaNola say: Time DOES exist in space. It takes 8 minutes or more for sunlight ti tea h Earth from the Sun.
Space is called the space time continuum for a reason. The Universe is NOT static. It is evolving, whether human beings exist or not.
False premise. Your facts are very uncoordinated and WRONG.
xrhgj say: csnyzjrd
vveja say: rufyidgi
lluam say: bmkazqne
Bill say: Time does exist in space.