I've tried to remodel a DeLorean a la Back to the Future, but it didn't work, and I even harnessed the 1.21 gigawatts necessary to power the machine. Please help.
The obvious answer is to take the 1.21 Gigawatts of power and apply it to the CIA building in Virgina. Once you've destroyed the CIA building and killed all the CIA agents present, you'll have free access to the time machine they keep in the basement. Once you get the time machine, you travel back 2 years, go to the IRS and fix my Tax return, so I can tell them to kiss off. "PLEASE"
aww didums, what you obviously haven't worked out is that time isn't linear, its more like waves, you just need to change the frequency of the radio in the DeLorean so that it will work correctly. Oh and you need to know the password to accessthe time-hyperspace bypass (which is the travelling space between time) :) and to know the password you have to be timelord certified, so that means travelling back in time to before galifrey was destroyed...which is a little hard for you as you don't have your timetravelling licence yet, so you may want to find the doctor for a lift
actually you can't help but travel through time. you're doing it right now as you sit there and do nothing.
It's impossible okay just like finding the decimal of pi
lol, no matter how hard you hope and pray, time travel isnt (yet) possible.