I have posted this question recently, but no one responded correctly. Try not to over-think the question. The answer is quite simple. Note that the IQ test from which this question origniates gives 2 points to the correct response, and 1 point for other logical responses.
Note: I assure you, the grammar in this question with respect to "do" is correct. Reference: http://www.grammar.cl/Present/Do_Does.ht…
Note: I assure you, the grammar in this question with respect to "do" is correct. Reference: http://www.grammar.cl/Present/Do_Does.ht…
Both support something?
Both commonly found in a house/office/dining room?
Both have 4 legs?
Both commonly found in a house/office/dining room?
Both have 4 legs?
Alphabet "A"
They have legs
I would say they are both used to support things.
4 legs and a flat plane? They are made from the same material? They are both used to eat food?
They have legs
They are both tables
Both are 5 letter words?