Faster than light "particle" at CERN real
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Faster than light "particle" at CERN real

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 11-11-21] [Hit: ]
Fact that its so close to the speed of light kind of tells me something is not right!-You have good instincts.Be patient and see how this plays out.-At this point there are still a lot of verifications that must take place before anything definitive is known. But I believe it makes perfect sense that the light barrier was broken by such a small percentage. From what we know,......
Why is it that this neutrino is so close to the speed of light but just a tiny bit faster?

Why not 1,000 times faster than speed of light.

Fact that it's so close to the speed of light kind of tells me something is not right!

You have good instincts. Be patient and see how this plays out.

At this point there are still a lot of verifications that must take place before anything definitive is known. But I believe it makes perfect sense that the light barrier was broken by such a small percentage. From what we know, it takes an infinite amount of energy to accelerate an object with mass to the speed of light. This tells me that there must be some mechanism that the neutrino was able to "access" in order to break the light barrier. Passing the light barrier must take an enormous amount of energy, or to get to a place where the speed of light is faster than our normal spacetime continuum to make it seem like it broke the light barrier. Something akin to what we see in Star Trek, if you are familiar with that. So, I would guess that in a natural setting the energy available to reach this condition is limited.

Neutrinos and FTL
Note the word "suggests" in the news report. Translation: We are not sure, yet.
I doubt the result (It is yet to be confirmed by other observers) and suspect some quantum effect. In any case, the real test will be, can neutrinos be modulated to send information at greater than light speed. If not, i suspect it will join quantum entanglement as a FTL quantum effect that cannot carry information and thus special relativity will remain just barely safe.
I remember Cold Fusion
The CERN observation is not confirmed. Also, a very small experimental error would invalidate the result. I remember Cold Fusion where a well known and respected scientist got results that later proved to be false……

It is 0.0000006 of a second faster than light. Even though it is just a bit faster, it undermines the idea that nothing is faster than light.
keywords: quot,at,particle,than,real,Faster,light,CERN,Faster than light "particle" at CERN real
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