"A satellite with a mass of 500kg is placed in an orbit (5) times the radius of the earth (6.37 * 10^6)(5). calculate the force experienced by the satellite."
I think I need the equation F = MV^2 / R but I think I need more information.
however this is all i'm given in the problem
I think I need the equation F = MV^2 / R but I think I need more information.
however this is all i'm given in the problem
You have the right formula for the centripetal force. The trick here is that F also = the gravitational force Fg = G*Ms*Me/R². Since R = 5*Re, the effective value of g at that distance g' = (1/5²)*g = .392 m/s².
Fc = m*g' = 500*.392 = 196 N
Fc = m*g' = 500*.392 = 196 N