how much would you have to save up for 7 days at miami, Hotel cost for the week and nightclubs ?
depends where you stay and what you plan on doing(site seeing, tours etc.) and if your flying. all that said i wouldn't wanna go there with less than $2000, miami can be expensive, plus taxi fare or renting a car if you dont have one available and it seems like you want to hit the hot spots and get your party on and we all know how those times can suck our wallets dry. $4000 would be an ideal versatile amount for me, if your just looking to cover basic expenses and not do anything too extravagant then you will be far beyond fine, safety first too ;]
wow. great life. very productive and sucessful. nice. i like it alot. god i want your life. party sleep and drink sick bro. god thats so cool. dam your lucky. your probably like really stupid.