It depends on where this capacitor was made. Cheap product from Asia countries rated 50V capacitor might start electrical leakage while working on 50V. Good capacitor made in USA or Germany can stand 5% to 10% more rated voltage without electrical leakage.
Over voltage applies to capacitor can cause it increasing leakage even short through the capacitor (capacitor turns into a dead short ).
Remember, apply 50V AC to rated 50V capacitor might result damage within a short time. Because 50V rms = 140V p-p therefore, at least rated 150V capacitor is needed.
Over voltage applies to capacitor can cause it increasing leakage even short through the capacitor (capacitor turns into a dead short ).
Remember, apply 50V AC to rated 50V capacitor might result damage within a short time. Because 50V rms = 140V p-p therefore, at least rated 150V capacitor is needed.
Exceeding working voltage on a capacitor can damage it by overheating or shorting out. Electrolytic capacitors can actually explode. Capacitors can be used in filter circuits along with diodes to produce smoother rectified DC, adding a half cycle back that is lost when the diode blocks that AC phase. Using higher working voltage capacitors gives you safety headroom, so you don't risk needing frequent replacements.
Spoken here about electrolytic caps , what about other types such as ceramic capacitors , will they get damaged by applying higher voltage than the max rated voltage ? How to determine the max voltage that a ceramic cap can tolerate ?