Why do we need to cut down trees
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Why do we need to cut down trees

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 11-04-22] [Hit: ]
buildings,pencils, furniture and a host of other things. Logging, the way big logging companies do it is dangerous to all sorts of animal life as well as the environment. Clear cutting is the method most logging companies use as it is the cheapest method for them.......
i am doing an essay about "logging vs. spotted owls". this is a stupid question but- what are the major things we use wood for? and a bonus question- how is logging dangerous to spotted owls? please answer soon. 4 stars for best answer!

We use wood for making paper,tooth picks,buildings,pencils, furniture and a host of other things. Logging, the way big logging companies do it is dangerous to all sorts of animal life as well as the environment. Clear cutting is the method most logging companies use as it is the cheapest method for them. Logging should be done selectively taking only some of the trees in any given area.

Well we use wood, to make paper, to use lumber to build houses. Logging is some what beneficial to the environment, if done correctly. Well most of time when loggers log, they do it in winter so that way they don't damage the roots of the trees, or put massive ruts in the ground. They only cut down fast growing trees, but only the mature trees. They leave the immature trees and a few of the massive trees (to help things come back faster). Logging also helps bring sun in were there would be no sun and helps younger trees grow. It also helps the herbivores in the area because they eat the leaf buds on the fallen trees. Deer do enjoy to hang around logging sites. But it there is an endangered animal in the area they do not touch it.

Trees supply wood which is used in almost every building and lots of items like paper. Unfortunately this wood has to come from somewhere. Many forests are chopped down and in these forests are habitats for many organisms.
hope this helped!
keywords: need,trees,we,down,Why,do,cut,to,Why do we need to cut down trees
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