quantumclaustrophobe say: Nothing moves faster than the speed of light. And, *mass* cannot achieve the speed of light.
Spock (rhp) say: why should they?
next question .. are they actually moving away at ftl speeds, or is that an artifact of the way we perceive them?
Adam say: The Universe has no center.
Who say: they aint
it aint that they are moving away from anything faster than light. its that space between sfuff is increasing
think of it like this
" points A and B are 1 yard apart
If B moves away from A 1 yard then they are now 2 yards apart and I can use a rule to measure that 2 yards
But If I increase the space between them then can move "apart" but I cannot measure the change in distance
cos anything I use to measure the distance (EXCEPT light) will also also increase
(i.e if put 1 end of a rule touching A and the other end touching B it will show 1 yard at the start
I now increase the space between A and B but while increasing that space I am increasing the length of the rule as well
So after increasing the space the rule still shows 1 yd even though spacially A and B are further apart
the ONLY way I COULD see that they are further apart is to start with shining a pulses of light from A to B and measuring the frequency received
Since I know the transmitted frequency is fixed and that the velocity of light is constant then any change in received frequency would indicate that the distance A to B MUST have changed between it leaving A and getting to B
(this is NOT the same as doppler shift cos this would be a change due to the movement of A
The change WE would be measuring would be on a pulse of light in transit after leaving A and the only thing that could affect it is space itself
Gary B say: SUPPOSEDLY, all this "Dark Gravity" from "Dark Matter" will pull against the galaxies, causing them to slow to a stop, and eventually CONTRACT back into teh singularoty.