let's say it's present day and I have a time machine. I punch someone in the face, and then get into my time machine and go back in time to let's say 1999. So now I'm in the year 1999, did I punch someone in the past or in the future?
I would say this is a philosophy question vice science but all you would (or could) do is follow your own time sequence. The punch happened in the days of future-past. I think there was a Moody Blues song named that too.
Well in that case u would have never even punched him at all because u went to a time before that so in actuality u would have not even punched him yet so it is something that will happen in the future but can only happen in the in the present an could have happened in the past but never in the future
Your question doesn't make much sense but assuming you were born in the future, you're from the future, which infers that you punched someone, relatively speaking, in the future.