PHYSICS: Equilibrium...
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PHYSICS: Equilibrium...

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 11-11-17] [Hit: ]
5) + (207*90.You can complete the calculation to find x.......
I need a bit of help on this problem...
A horizontal meter stick has a mass of 203 g. Three weights ride on the meter stick: 255g at 47.1cm, 181g at 84.5cm, and 207g at 90.7cm. At what location on the meter stick would the system be in balance if it were suspended there?

The total weight = 203 + 255 + 181 + 207 = 846g (strictly speaking this is a mass and should be converted to newtons to be a force, but this is unnecessary here)

When balanced, there will be an upwards force of 846g at the balance point at a distance x from the end of the metre stick.

When balanced, we can take moments (torques) about any convenient point. Use the end of the ruler (0.0cm) as the point:

846x = (203*50.0) + (255*47.1) + (181*84.5) + (207*90.7)

You can complete the calculation to find x.
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