Multiply 37037 by any single number between 1 - 9. Then multiply that number by 3. Every digit in the number will be the same as that first single number. Suppose I am taking 6 .
37037 * 6 = 22222 . Then 22222 * 3 = 66666 . ( I multiplied with the number 6 ) . Can anybody give the proof ? ( Note : If I perform the same calculations with the number 37037037 , then also the same result )
37037 * 6 = 22222 . Then 22222 * 3 = 66666 . ( I multiplied with the number 6 ) . Can anybody give the proof ? ( Note : If I perform the same calculations with the number 37037037 , then also the same result )
because 37037*3=111111.