Just three problems. Here is the questions: http://oi43.tinypic.com/9qgveq.jpg
sqrt(-3)*sqrt(-3)=-3 because sqrt(x)*sqrt(x)=x for any x.
You also can solve it this way
=sqrt(3)sqrt(3) i^2
1/i=1/i * i/i
You also can solve it this way
=sqrt(3)sqrt(3) i^2
1/i=1/i * i/i
1. 3 i *- sqrt of 3
2. 15
3. -i
sqrt is the square root sign
2. 15
3. -i
sqrt is the square root sign
Yea took one look at that and my brain was like "WTF?!?" lol if i were you i would hit up confusinghomework.com them guys really know their stuff and the best part is its FREE!!