I always get confused on how to round numbers with decimals that include the number 9.
The rule is that you either leave the last digit you're keeping alone, or add 1 to it.
So if you were rounding this to the nearest tenth, you'd start with 34.9, then look at the next digit. Since that's a 9, you've got to round up, i.e. add a 1 to that last digit. That takes it to 35.0.
So 34.99 rounded to the nearest 0.1 is 35.0.
And 34.999 rounded to the nearest 1/100 is 35.00
So if you were rounding this to the nearest tenth, you'd start with 34.9, then look at the next digit. Since that's a 9, you've got to round up, i.e. add a 1 to that last digit. That takes it to 35.0.
So 34.99 rounded to the nearest 0.1 is 35.0.
And 34.999 rounded to the nearest 1/100 is 35.00
it would round to 35
the answer to that is 35! :)