Its a good source of energy but not perfect. They should be located away from populated areas.
Moving shadows can make people go crazy if lands on their homes. Windmills can interfere with radio signals in a localized area, birds can get killed and they create low noise from the gearbox/generator. They don't work if the wind stops blowing.
Moving shadows can make people go crazy if lands on their homes. Windmills can interfere with radio signals in a localized area, birds can get killed and they create low noise from the gearbox/generator. They don't work if the wind stops blowing.
However, Wind Power is no quite efficient yet, as the wind strength may vary, 1 day it might be really windy, another there might be not even the slightest breeze.
However, Wind Power is no quite efficient yet, as the wind strength may vary, 1 day it might be really windy, another there might be not even the slightest breeze.
Yes but it's really dangerous because scientists say after a few years the added wind turbines will spin the Earth out of its orbit