Chemistry plz help me.........
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Chemistry plz help me.........

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-07-09] [Hit: ]
multiply by 4.184 to get joules, and then divide by 1000 to get kilojoules.2. 1410 calories times 4.184 = 5899.......
convert the following numbers of calories or kilocalories into joules and kilojoules (rem. Kilo means 1000)
1. 75.2 cal
2. 1.41 X10^3 cal
plz explain step by step. thxs guys :)

This is just conversion.
Remember 1 calorie = 4.184 Joules
All you have to do is convert the number they gave you to calories, multiply by 4.184 to get joules, and then divide by 1000 to get kilojoules.
2. 1410 calories times 4.184 = 5899.44 Joules divided by 1000 = 5.89 KJ

Write everything out with stacked fractions, it will look better.

1 cal = 4.184 joules

75.2 x 4.184(joules/cal) = 314.64 Joules x 1/1000(Kjoules/joules) = 0.315 Kjoules

1.41X10^3 x 4.184(joules/cal) = 5.9X10^3 joules x 1/10^3(Kjoules/joules) = 5.9 Kjoules

im doing this next semester
keywords: plz,me,help,Chemistry,Chemistry plz help me.........
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