Good conclusion for "Does black or white absorb light better".
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Good conclusion for "Does black or white absorb light better".

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 11-04-22] [Hit: ]
(This is why most heat sinks found in electronic equipment are black.Ok, you have the basics, now think about it.........
would anyone write one for me??:P pleaseee

If I - or someone else wrote your paper for you, we would not be helping you - we would be helping you to fail your class!

Black absorbs almost all the light (and heat) which strikes it, white reflects most of the light and heat that strike it. Also, black is the best radiator of heat - In a dark area, a hot black object will radiate more heat than a white object. (This is why most heat sinks found in electronic equipment are black.)

Ok, you have the basics, now think about it... and good luck!

I wont write one but I will explain why

The nature of an object's colour has to do with the molecules and their electrons. Electrons in different states absorb different frequencies. When we build things - and especially when we paint them - we choose materials that contain molecules with very specific reflection frequencies. For example, Phthalo green - a paint colour - has very stable molecules in it that reflect light in a very specific, predictable band of green. Lamp black - another paint colour, has molecules that absorb ALL frequencies of light.

Red objects absorb light at frequencies other than red and tend to reflect frequencies near red. They don't get as warm as objects that are black.

White objects are white because almost all the light that falls on them is reflected by the material. Because all the light is reflected back toward you eye, you see white. Little light is turned into heat.
Black objects are black because almost all the light that falls on them is absorbed into the material. Little or no light is reflected back toward your eye, therefore you see black. That light that is absorbed ultmately becomes heat.

Hope that helps

It's just light theory. Light makes things appear larger or more full. Dark makes things appear smaller or thin. It's just how people say white makes you look fat, and black slims you. Blondes look like they have tons of hair, and Brunettes look like they have very thin hair. I will not write your paper for you.. but this is something to stem off of. lol Good Luck!
keywords: Good,quot,better,or,conclusion,Does,light,for,black,absorb,white,Good conclusion for "Does black or white absorb light better".
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