I ask this because my sister and I came out bearing a very strong resemblance to members of my fathers family only.
definitely- think of it like this
say a blonde haired and blue eyed person has children with a brown eyed and blak haired person- the offspring will most likely have brown eyes and black hair because those genes tend to be more dominate. Of course, it's not to say this can't vary- due to mutations, or in actuallity random gene selection (extremely uncommon because certain genes that form traits dominate others)
say a blonde haired and blue eyed person has children with a brown eyed and blak haired person- the offspring will most likely have brown eyes and black hair because those genes tend to be more dominate. Of course, it's not to say this can't vary- due to mutations, or in actuallity random gene selection (extremely uncommon because certain genes that form traits dominate others)
yes they can its a simlpe gene chart u have to draw to figure out just google how to make gene finder chart or something along those lines