The liver has many functions. Some of the functions are: to produce substances that break down fats, convert glucose to glycogen, produce urea (the main substance of urine), make certain amino acids (the buildingblocks of proteins ), filter harmfulsubstances from the blood (suchas alcohol), storage of vitamins and minerals ( vitamins A , D , K and B12 ) and maintain a proper level or glucose in the blood. Theliver is also responsible for producing cholesterol . It produces about 80% of the cholesterol in your body.
The liver has a multitude of important and complex functions. Some of these functions are to:
Manufacture (synthesize) proteins, including albumin (to help maintain the volume of blood) and blood clotting factors
Synthesize, store, and process (metabolize) fats, including fatty acids (used for energy) and cholesterol
Metabolize and store carbohydrates, which are used as the source for the sugar (glucose) in blood that red blood cells and the brain use
Form and secrete bile that contains bile acids to aid in the intestinal absorption (taking in) of fats and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Eliminate, by metabolizing and/or secreting, the potentially harmful biochemical products produced by the body, such as bilirubin from the breakdown of old red blood cells and ammonia from the breakdown of proteins
Detoxify, by metabolizing and/or secreting, drugs, alcohol, and environmental toxins…………
Manufacture (synthesize) proteins, including albumin (to help maintain the volume of blood) and blood clotting factors
Synthesize, store, and process (metabolize) fats, including fatty acids (used for energy) and cholesterol
Metabolize and store carbohydrates, which are used as the source for the sugar (glucose) in blood that red blood cells and the brain use
Form and secrete bile that contains bile acids to aid in the intestinal absorption (taking in) of fats and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Eliminate, by metabolizing and/or secreting, the potentially harmful biochemical products produced by the body, such as bilirubin from the breakdown of old red blood cells and ammonia from the breakdown of proteins
Detoxify, by metabolizing and/or secreting, drugs, alcohol, and environmental toxins…………