If it exists, it always existed and always will.
"Time travel' in the sense that most people would think (science fiction style)>>> no.
Time travel, as described by time dilation (Einstein) >>> yes.
Time travel, as described by time dilation (Einstein) >>> yes.
Although not absolutely 100% certain it's very likely that time travel is impossible.
Time Travel is impossible. Makes for great scifi.
Maybe with some advanced alien civilizations.
no - it's impossible - always was, always will be.... but it's a fun fantasy.
Mabey, thats complicated. I dont think humans made it but a black hole. If anybody could survive through it maby.
Hmmm... there are alternative universes and dimensions... maybe in the other world there is... who knows? So am going to say yes. And believe there is.
No not really, but it would be great if it was!!! I would travel back in time and meet my parents when they were kids!!
Jefferson Amusing answer xDDDD!!!
Yes I am traveling forward in time at a rate of 1 sec / sec