8 What about Admiral Byrd’s expeditions? Wasn’t he in the newspapers?
It was indeed on radio and in newspapers, and commanded among other expeditions “Operation High Jump” — a navy fleet that went after the disappeared German submarines and thousands of German people after world war #2 — it was to the south pole if I remember correctly
9 What is science saying about this?
Corporate, private or state ‘science’ that gets loaded into textbooks for indoctrination can not deal with this for reasons that are obvious; this science has the role that the high priests used to have when the earth was flat [Editor's note: and now 'it is too late to loose the weight you used to need to throw around' - Pink Floyd]
10 Why don’t I see this on NatGeo, History, Discovery, and other high- quality corporate brainwashing networks?
I was hoping you would ask
11 Can we see the polar openings from space?
Absolutely, depending on your exact location and the weather patterns, your security clearance and the effectiveness of the selective memory delete process after you have seen it, please look into this device now
12 Are satellite images of the polar regions censored?
Of course not. Hey, pigs fly, buddy, some at least … they fly north before winter, these dumb animals