Vegans: you say nowadays, killing animals for food is unnecessary. Then explain how you propose to feed 7 billion people on vegetables alone?
Dobiegal say: I think chicken and beef are so tasty and it's MY business what I choose to eat.
Paula say: Getting protein from animals is costly in terms of food required.
There are are sources of protein other than animals.
Besides, there are now 8 billion people.
jean say: why do u pick on vegans
say: First, I'm not a vegan (or vegetarian).
Vegans don't "propose to feed 7 billion people..." - that's not their job. I don't "propose" to do it either or make any claims about how it could be done, whatever the diet provided.
Second, vegans don't support a diet of only vegetables. They eat lots of things - just nothing from animals.
Third, most sensible vegans that I've seen contribute to this site have never suggested that the whole world could follow a vegan died. What they have said is that for us - in America, Europe, Australia etc. it's not necessary to kill animals for food and, more particularly, for an individual to consume animal products.
I choose to follow an ordinary omnivorous diet but I accept that I could live without animal products; that they are not necessary.
Kangaroo say: Easier to feed the people than feed the animals and the people.
say: Ummm, by producing food that requires less resources to produce, thus being able to produce more of it. It's not exactly rocket science.