which is more important agriculture or industry?
Ronald 7 say: Both are equally important as an Industry
Fred say: Agriculture as if there was no agriculture no one would be able to eat. City people forget all that food in their supermarket started out on a farm, and manufacturers just take it and remove most of the goodness then add heaps of sugar and salt.
Coop 366 say: Both! Agriculture needs machines to move their products and help with tilling of the land. Industry needs someone to buy their machines and to sell the food stuffs to them.
oikoσ say: They are interdependent. Either would be in bad shape without the other.
babyboomer1001 say: We need both. We cannot survive with just one, without the other. BALANCE is what is important, and that is what is getting all messed up. We are losing too much agricultural land.
say: how many ways can you cook a TV
Delete, Rewind.X say: Agriculture is an industry.
Gerald say: well we would die without our I Phones you do the maths
ioerr say: for all intents and purposes, around here anyway, agriculture mostly *is* an industry...