A Warren. This is a hybrid, and the one most used by commercial egg-producers. It's very hardy, and will produce up to 5 eggs a week in its first laying year. A good breed to start with, because it will continue to lay well for several years, so if you become fond of it (as you do) it will eventually die of old age, while still laying a couple of eggs a week. They are also relatively calm, quiet birds and if handled right, will become very tame.
They are also very easy to obtain, and cheap; most breeders have them, and they are also available at local livestock auctions, or through ads in your local newspaper. Or to rescue hens, check the notice-board at your local vet's, or ring around local egg-producers (some commercial farms offer their "old" (ie 1 year) laying hens at knock-down prices). Don't buy chicks - they take too long to raise to egg-laying, and are too delicate. Instead, buy point-of-lay pullets; if you buy them now they will start to lay by October, & will probably continue to give you a couple of eggs each a week through the Winter. Three or four birds will keep a family of 4 in eggs, plus extra to give away.
Please don't start with Marans (as we did). They are very handsome, very large chickens, which produce beautiful, dark-brown eggs - but very few of them. And they eat a lot. Not cost-effective at all. And if you keep them right, and give them space to run around, they don't make good eating, either.
Your only problem will be keeping the foxes out; be careful to build a totally fox-proof house & run. And read up about how to keep them before buying. Chickens are supposed to be stupid, but I always found them very rewarding; mine used to come when called, knew their individual names, and liked to be picked up and cuddled/stroked. Watching a chicken which had been in a cage for a year, being outside & feeling grass for the first time, was magical.
They are also very easy to obtain, and cheap; most breeders have them, and they are also available at local livestock auctions, or through ads in your local newspaper. Or to rescue hens, check the notice-board at your local vet's, or ring around local egg-producers (some commercial farms offer their "old" (ie 1 year) laying hens at knock-down prices). Don't buy chicks - they take too long to raise to egg-laying, and are too delicate. Instead, buy point-of-lay pullets; if you buy them now they will start to lay by October, & will probably continue to give you a couple of eggs each a week through the Winter. Three or four birds will keep a family of 4 in eggs, plus extra to give away.
Please don't start with Marans (as we did). They are very handsome, very large chickens, which produce beautiful, dark-brown eggs - but very few of them. And they eat a lot. Not cost-effective at all. And if you keep them right, and give them space to run around, they don't make good eating, either.
Your only problem will be keeping the foxes out; be careful to build a totally fox-proof house & run. And read up about how to keep them before buying. Chickens are supposed to be stupid, but I always found them very rewarding; mine used to come when called, knew their individual names, and liked to be picked up and cuddled/stroked. Watching a chicken which had been in a cage for a year, being outside & feeling grass for the first time, was magical.
The best layers are hybrids (cross breeds). If you want a breed you can't go wrong with the Maran as they lay large brown eggs and are also good for meat.
Please research this via Google.....good luck!