Why do people like hugs?
oldschool say: Who says I like hugs? I don't need no stinking hugs!
john say: Apes like humans , gorillas orangutans etc thrive on social interactions . So hugs are a direct form of affection
Elaine M say: Primates thrive with body contact with others. We're primates.
JazSinc say: Inherited from our arboreal prosimian, simian, and lesser ape ancestors.
If you're not hanging on to Mom, you're going to fall and die.
Karen L say: They are comforting and feel nice.
steve say: I only ever hug girls and then only ones I know well enough to do so.
I like it because each hug reinforces our friendship. Also for few seconds I get someone other than my girlfriends breasts pressed onto my chest.
say: I only like hugs from attractive women
daljack -a girl say: They make you feel warm and secure.
random say: Makes them feel good
say: ####
a0w say: Most people like hugs because it is in their culture.
Furthermore, hugs demonstrate sign of love, happiness .
Most people who hug each other will do so when it happen they haven't see for long time.
Some people hug each other when they are promoted in a job.
On a nutshell people like hug because it is in their culture.
David say: It makes them feel safe and loved
Hey say: It comforts them
Kathy say: Because hugs make them feel good inside.
Ben say: Because hugging another shows that they love each other.
blue pixie say: If I love the person I love the hug. If not, I hate it!
LeighAnne say: Who knows
say: I only like hugs from attractive girls.