If a normal radioactive element such as Plutonium would give of high amounts of radiation, theoretically, what would an anti-plutonium do?
It should give also high amounts of radiation, however the beta radiation would be positrons instead of electrons, the alpha radiation would be anti-protons and anti-neutrons, and the gamma radiation would be exactly gamma radiation, as photons and anti-photons are the same particles.
It would be radioactive. It would give off the antiparticles of those given off by normal plutonium. E.g. if normal plutonium gave off an alpha particle (2n+2p), antiplutonium would give off an anti-alpha particle (made of 2 antineutrons and 2 antiprotons).
Note that photons are their own antiparticles; so gamma radiation from plutonium and from anti-plutonium would be the same.
Note that photons are their own antiparticles; so gamma radiation from plutonium and from anti-plutonium would be the same.