I have a question. About an hour ago I took 41 200 mg advil. I feel okay, just dizzy and breathing slow. A little tired. I was just trying to make myself lose weight cuz I heard that excess can cause u to throw up. I'm too scared to tell my parents. What should I do? I'm 17 121 lb
Tell your parents now and go to the ER and have your stomach pumped. Advil will not help you lose weight, but it can do permanant damage to your liver.
Too late now, you've digested them!
You swallowed them, you get to keep them.
Have fun with the permanent liver failure and inability to take OTC medications FOR LIFE!
However long that may be!
Like Ibuprofin was going to make you lose weight???
What are you, 12?
You swallowed them, you get to keep them.
Have fun with the permanent liver failure and inability to take OTC medications FOR LIFE!
However long that may be!
Like Ibuprofin was going to make you lose weight???
What are you, 12?
You need to go to the ER. Advil will not cause you to lose weight but you can do permanent organ damage!