If US cups are used,
1 pint (UK) = 2.4019 cups (US)
1 quart (UK) = 4.8038 cups (US)
Using the above conversion factors, you get what Dom got (more or less):
3 pints (UK) pineapple juice = 7.2057 cups (US)
1 quart (UK) lemonade = 4.8038 cups (US)
1 quart (UK) apricot nectar = 4.8038 cups (US)
5 cups (US) ginger ale
Adding all of this up gives,
7.2057 + 4.8038 + 4.8038 + 5 = 21.8133 cups (US)
Note: When I wrote this, Dom's final answer was 21.833 (he missed the second one).
So actually, Kelly's recipe makes 20 cups (US) plus some more, doing it this way. Since Kelly didn't claim that it made exactly 20 cups (US), I could see how a person could say she was right in what she said. But if she meant exactly 20 cups (US), then "no", she would've been wrong.
Answered by Brian on May 28, 2013 in Michigan, USA.